Power of Subconscious Mind & Some Tips on How to Use It

 We’ve all had moments of feeling defeated, guilty, frustrated and unhappy. What happens next? Do we pick ourselves up, happily? Or do we do our best to go through our day with half enthusiasm, dread, and negativity? What is happening here? If we understand this, we can, possibly, change the ever after.

When we’re low, we’re moving through a series of negative narrations in our mind. And of those of us who are wise enough to know, we’re more than the mind and the body. We may not be aware of it all the time. We have the ego, the intellect, and memory, and wait, did I also say the subconscious mind?

We’re the sum of many parts. If we’re to believe scientists, philosophers or our wise grandparents: a human being is the most complex, gifted working organism that exists in this Universe. Now, that’s a whole lot of pressure building on us. We’re just simple people, yes.

Alright, so we now know that our subconscious mind is living with us every day. Every moment. How do we change the dialogue and program our subconscious towards happiness and success? How do we take care of our subconscious mind?

How to use the power of the subconscious mind?

  1. Don’t bother completing that negative thought. Just stop it right there and change it to a happy, positive thought. Yes, I know it’s difficult but you can, with practice and patience. In ancient India, it was believed that there are angels everywhere who are simply waiting to grant people their wishes. So, if you say: I’m going to have a really hard day - watch out! There could be an angel nearby that is only too pleased to grant your wish!
  2. Think positive and only think good. Sometimes it's not possible. Then just relax. If negative thoughts come, let them. Envelop yourself and emit positivity through meditation, faith in a benevolent higher power and yourself.
  3. Start the day on a positive note. Look at your hands every morning, and tell yourself: These hands are going to do amazing work.
  4. Every night, meditate for ten minutes before turning in and be grateful. It doesn’t matter how your day went, what challenges you had, and the failures. Just be grateful. And be happy. You’ve got a lot going for you in the present moment, right here and right now.
  5. Meditate. Yes, you got that right. Our subconscious mind is a storehouse of our feelings, experiences, and thoughts. And we’re all human. Events and people will leave their residue on us. It’s natural. Just use meditation as a special detox for your subconscious. Meditation does a whole lot more. Know that it does a lot of good, and your subconscious will love your practice of meditation
  6. Sleep well. A lack of sleep can pressurize the body and mind to function at their optimal levels when actually, they are exhausted. An exhausted mind is susceptible to irritation, anger, and negativity. An exhausted body is depleting its reserves. Sleep for at least 6-8 hours to help program yourself to a positive state of life.
  7. Think big. Dream larger-than-life. And know that focusing on a goal that has a good intention is the best thing ever. It will give you a sense of purpose, strength to overcome challenges and lift your mind from small, petty issues in life.
  8. Be confident. Ask for what you want from the universe. But don’t hesitate. If you’re hesitant to ask the question or are not sure about getting it, the universe will reflect your energy. And perhaps it won’t be sure about giving you what you want. Not a pretty thought, right?
  9. Work hard.   You’ve already asked and expressed yourself clearly. Now, work for it. Don’t assume something pretty will just land at your door without an inch of hard work. Work for your dream, your desires, your asks.
  10. And now, have faith. You’ve asked confidently; you’ve worked hard. Now surrender it. Be happy and have the faith that only the best will happen to you.

And relax. You’re perfect the way you are. And practice makes you even more perfect. It might not be easy to undo years of conditioning or suddenly stop the negative narration that is going on within. Be patient, easy on yourself, and believe. The power of your subconscious mind is in your hands. Your story has just begun.

Credits: https://www.artofliving.org/in-en/lifestyle/success/power-of-subconscious-mind


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