Some Affirmations for Self Esteem That Build Your Confidence

 Affirmations for self esteem, are a great way build your confidence and self worth when they are repeated over-and-over. These will not be the only steps you want to utilize to build your confidence, but they are an important part of the puzzle that is your self esteem.

​This is a positive cycle that can build on itself, creating a critical mass of positivity as you couple more successes with greater confidence and self esteem.

This is the power of self esteem and success. Self esteem, along with the confidence that self esteem projects to others is one of the key hallmarks of success. And it builds on itself in a self regenerative method. All you need to do is clear our the stumbling blocks where your lack of self esteem hold you back.

This is one of the ways that affirmations for self esteem come into play. By repeating these positive mantra-like statement every day you become to believe in the truth behind these affirmations to boost confidence, and when you really start to believe you begin to make these statements true.

But a list of positive affirmations will not raise your self confidence alone. You need to clear our the negative attitudes from your life. So before we get to far into these self esteem affirmations, lets take a look at some of the confidence habits you can build to fight a battle with lack of self esteem.

Mistakes are a stepping stone to success. They are the path I must tread to achieve my dreams.
I will continue to learn and grow.

You are not someone else. You have a unique skillset and unique mind. Never compare yourself with others. You only need to be better than who you were.

Daily Exercise. Exercise is not just about keeping you healthy and making yourself look and feel fitter. It is about gaining the confidence that comes from those things. You do not need to be a “hulk” or a “gym rat” to gain some confidence from knowing you are fit.

Don’t beat yourself up over a mistake . Everyone makes mistakes. You are not unique. If you make a mistake just admit it. Fix it, and move on.

Celebrate the small stuff. Start small and work your way up, gaining confidence the whole way. The best progress is done through small steps- not through massive leaps and bounds.

5 Affirmations for Self Esteem

I deserve to be happy and successful.

I deserve a good life. I deny any need for suffering and misery.

I am competent, smart and able.

I am growing and changing for the better.

I love the person I am becoming.

5 Confidence Affirmations

I acknowledge my own self-worth; my self confidence is rising.

I am worthy of all the good things that happen in my life.

I am confident with my life plan and the way things are going.

I deserve the love I am given.

I let go of the negative feelings about myself, and accept all that is good.

However, do not rely on affirmations alone to make a difference in your life. Affirmations are just part of the battle. You also have to do real work to change your life by starting with setting the right goals to build your confidence.

For example, if you want to build your confidence, in addition to confidence affirmations you are going to need to do the “work” of meeting new people and putting yourself in slightly uncomfortable situations. Experiences like that will help your self confidence soar when coupled with some affirmations about self esteem.


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