5 Things to Remember When You Are Not Satisfied With Yourself
Are you confident, pumped up and strong all the time? I guess you are not because life is not a linear thing. Life goes up and down and takes you through a multitude of emotions and unexpected events.
As long as you are mostly on the UP side of life, “the down” side is only salt and pepper.
How to get above “the down” moments when you are not satisfied with yourself?
Remember the following 5 things and lift yourself UP:
1. You are not supposed to be satisfied all the time
Discover who you are and who you are not. Knowing these two things are allowing you to be the leader of your life no matter the moment you are going through, up or down.
Remember that when you are not satisfied with yourself is only the way your body and unconscious mind are pushing you forward. They are signaling you to change the status quo; raising the awareness that you can do even more and creating a deep desire for something different, for new and exciting things.
2. Compared to 10 years ago you have grown
Actually, to realize how much you have grown it is enough to go back in time as little as a week, no need for ten years. Is it not? Aren’t you more skilled and knowledgeable compared to how you were last week?
Everything that is happening in your life is teaching you something. Every person that you come in contact with, has something positive to give you. Every day of your life is a new beginning and a new opportunity. And every day you are taking a journey of improvement and discovery.
Celebrate how far you have come. Notice, pay attention and give yourself credit for your successes and achievements. Don’t let them pass as if never happened.
I’m saying that because we have the tendency to focus on and emphasize more our failures rather than our successes. That happens because we don’t love gaining something as much as we hate to lose.
3. You care less about what others might think of you
Did you notice that you tend to care less and less about what others might think as you advance in life?
It is the natural progression of things. You are more and more in control of yourself, your thoughts and behaviors.
4. You are learning from mistakes
Success is a journey with multiple pathways and roads. Sometimes, the path you are on doesn’t bring you the result to want.
However, even when that happens, you haven’t failed; you tried a way that doesn’t work. Learn from it and move on. Try again in a different way and then another way until you get the outcome you want.
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