
Showing posts from September, 2022

The 10 Characteristics of a Good Leader

  Key leadership qualities can be learned, honed, and improved at all levels of your organization. Leaders shape our nations, communities, and organizations. We need good leaders to help guide us and make the essential large-scale decisions that keep the world moving. Our society is usually quick to identify a bad leader, but how can you identify a good one? What would most people say makes a good leader? What Good Leadership Looks Like: 10 Essential Leadership Traits Based upon our decades of research, we’ve found that the best leaders consistently possess certain fundamental qualities and skills:  1. Integrity Integrity is an essential leadership trait for the individual and the organization. It’s especially important for top-level executives who are charting the organization’s course and making countless other significant decisions. Our research has found that integrity may actually be a potential blind spot for organizations, so make sure your organization reinforces ...

Mind as Your Best Friend or Worst Enemy

  Your own mind is your best friend or worst enemy, depending upon how you relate to it. The mind is the part of your nature closest to your inner Self, but also connected to the external world and its influences, which usually rule over it. Much of what we call our minds is not ours but the opinions and emotions of others. We must learn to go back to our core awareness, for which the mind is but an instrument of expression. What is Your Mind Breeding? The mind easily accumulates negative thoughts, conflicting emotions and disturbed sensations down to a subconscious level, often compulsively and without our direct awareness. There rajasic and tamasic based agitated and destructive energies get planted, dulling our finer sattvic sensitivity and blocking our connection with our true consciousness. Yet we seldom examine what our mind is breeding and how its negativity may erupt within or around us. The human mind tends to be negative. It likes to criticize, reject and denigrate to est...

How to Learn to Let Go of What You Can’t Control

  A friend of mine once told me, “Almost everything in my life that I’ve had to let go of has scratch marks on it.” His point was that he found it very difficult to let go of things he couldn’t control. I’m sure many of you can relate to that. Most of us don’t want to let go of things we like. So we hang on until they’re forcibly taken away, and even then, we still hold on mentally and emotionally. What we may not realize is that holding on can wreak havoc in our lives. Holding on to things we can’t control can cause us a great deal of stress and unhappiness. It also keeps us stuck in the past, and keeps us from growing and living our lives freely. If we want to be happy and free, then we need to learn to let go. In this article, we’re going to examine what letting go really means, why it’s so hard, and how your life will improve by letting go of things you can’t control. Then, I’ll share with you some tips to help you learn to let go with greater ease, so you can live a happier an...

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated

  What does that mean? This quote hit me pretty hard, once I started thinking about it. What if it didn’t matter what kind of car you drove. What if it didn’t matter how nice your house was, so long as it was functional? It got me thinking about how much of our lives are complicated  only  because we choose to make it so. How do we complicate things beyond need? When we get a laptop, suddenly everywhere is the office. To me, that’s more complicated than necessary. Same with smart phones and tablets. Yes, they can be useful, but how much easier do they make your life, or are they a complication? If you have to worry about the battery and how many bars you have, how much help is it in simplifying our lives? Why is simplicity important? I believe simplicity is important in our lives. Whether it’s a camping trip with no phones, computers or microwaves or if it’s just a relaxing evening with a book and a fireplace, going simple can be a great way to reduce your stress and rela...

Some Rewarding HR Careers You May Have Never Heard About

  When most people think of human resources (HR) the only career that comes to mind is an HR manager. In reality, an education in human resources is something that can prepare you for a wide range of exciting job opportunities, each requiring its own unique set of skills. Best of all, human resources is a field likely to always be in high-demand and unlikely to be replaced by technological advancements. To help anyone considering a career in human resources choose the specific career that is best suited for their skills and interests, we’ll look at twelve rewarding HR careers you might have never heard about. 1. HR MANAGER Let’s start with the HR career that almost everyone has heard of: HR manager. While the career of an HR manager may be well-known, that doesn’t make this specific career any less exciting or rewarding. HR managers are responsible for overseeing the administrative functions of an organization, conducting interviews, recruiting and hiring new staff, and serving as ...

Power of Subconscious Mind & Some Tips on How to Use It

  We’ve all had moments of feeling defeated, guilty, frustrated and unhappy. What happens next? Do we pick ourselves up, happily? Or do we do our best to go through our day with half enthusiasm, dread, and negativity? What is happening here? If we understand this, we can, possibly, change the ever after. When we’re low, we’re moving through a series of negative narrations in our mind. And of those of us who are wise enough to know, we’re more than the mind and the body. We may not be aware of it all the time. We have the ego, the intellect, and memory, and wait, did I also say the subconscious mind? We’re the sum of many parts. If we’re to believe scientists, philosophers or our wise grandparents: a human being is the most complex, gifted working organism that exists in this Universe. Now, that’s a whole lot of pressure building on us. We’re just simple people, yes. Alright, so we now know that our subconscious mind is living with us every day. Every moment. How do we cha...


  What Self-Improvement Means? The act or process of improving oneself by one's own actions  individuals interested in self-improvement opportunities for self-improvement also : an instance or result of such improvement You don't need to wait to ring in the new year to start making self-improvements, because it's always a good time. What do you really want out of life?  What are your  self-improvement goals ?  Is it a higher rank in the workplace, a more loving relationship or your own successful business? Humans are wired to want to “do better” because in the past this led to a stronger chance of survival. That’s why  growth is so addictive . A desire for  self-improvement   to lead  us to better our lives, is one of the best ways to get ahead. No matter what you’re pursuing,  self-improvement goals  are a critical part of your progress and happiness. But all too often our efforts at  self-improvement  fail. We aren’t sur...

The Importance of Mental Health

  Mental health is a huge issue in the United States and there are   shocking statistics   to prove it. When we consider the fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that   1 in 5 adults   experience at least one mental health condition every year, it’s hard to deny that we need to be making mental health awareness more of a priority.  Unfortunately, there also tends to be a significant stigma attached to anything related to mental health, which is why it’s so essential that we acknowledge good mental health efforts and work to overcome the barriers that have been put up that keep us from addressing mental health in a positive, productive way. You should regularly grant yourself the permission to tune in to yourself and consider your overall mental health so you can best address your needs. Mental health awareness might be one of the most pressing issues we’re currently facing in the healthcare industry as a whole, which...

Importance of Peace in Human Life

  Peace is the path we take for bringing growth and prosperity to society. If we do not have peace and harmony, achieving political strength, economic stability and cultural growth will be impossible. Moreover, before we transmit the notion of peace to others, it is vital for us to possess peace within. It is not a certain individual’s responsibility to maintain peace but everyone’s duty. Thus, an essay on peace will throw some light on the same topic. Importance of Peace History has been proof of the thousands of war which have taken place in all periods at different levels between nations. Thus, we learned that peace played an important role in ending these wars or even preventing some of them. In fact, if you take a look at all religious scriptures and ceremonies, you will realize that all of them teach peace. They mostly advocate eliminating war and maintaining harmony. In other words, all of them hold out a sacred commitment to peace. It is after the thousands of destructive w...