How To Be A Warrior, Not A Worrier
Be a worrier by obsessively concerning yourself with what might happen. Check every government update, read every opinion piece, frantically search for breaking news. Fret about the world’s problems, whether or not they affect you. Be a worrier by projecting pessimism onto the future, mistakenly believing that whatever is going wrong now will be around forever. Be a worrier by battening down the hatches, sitting tight, and waiting for this all to blow over. Worry so much about doing the wrong thing that instead you do nothing. Worry that a brighter future doesn’t lie ahead and accept that things are awful and probably always will be. Worry externally to the people you speak to. Lose all sense of worth, under sell or under value what you do. Lower your standards and convince yourself that you’re lucky to have anything. Heavily discount. Aim to break even. Let your worry lead to a mindset of scarcity, where you are convinced there will never be enough to go around. Hark...