
Showing posts from October, 2022

How To Be A Warrior, Not A Worrier

  Be a worrier by obsessively concerning yourself with what  might  happen. Check every government update, read every opinion piece, frantically search for breaking news. Fret about the world’s problems, whether or not they affect you. Be a worrier by projecting pessimism onto the future, mistakenly believing that whatever is going wrong now will be around forever. Be a worrier by battening down the hatches, sitting tight, and waiting for this all to blow over. Worry so much about doing the wrong thing that instead you do nothing. Worry that a brighter future doesn’t lie ahead and accept that things are awful and probably always will be. Worry externally to the people you speak to. Lose all sense of worth, under sell or under value what you do. Lower your standards and convince yourself that you’re lucky to have anything. Heavily discount. Aim to break even. Let your worry lead to a mindset of scarcity, where you are convinced there will never be enough to go around. Hark...

Hardeep Puri to hold bilateral discussions with UAE to strengthen India's energy cooperation

Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas (MoPNPG) Hardeep Puri will hold bilateral discussion with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum  Exhibition and Conference (ADIPEC) 2022 to strenghten energy cooperation within the overall framework of India-UAE strategic partnership. The discussion is scheduled during Puri’s visit to the UAE from Monday to attend the Opening Ceremony of the ADIPEC-2022 on the invitation of Suhail Mohamed Faraj Al Mazrouei, Minister of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE, and Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology UAE & Managing Director and Group CEO Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), said a MoPNG official communique. During the visit, the Minister will deliver his special remarks at the inaugural ceremony of ADIPEC-2022 along, and few select other Ministers Abdulaziz bin Salman Al Saud (Minister of Energy of Saudi Arabia), Haitham Al Ghais (Secretary General OPEC) and Tarek El Molla (Minist...

Some Affirmations for Self Esteem That Build Your Confidence

  Affirmations for self esteem, are a great way build your confidence and self worth when they are repeated over-and-over. These will not be the only steps you want to utilize to build your confidence, but they are an important part of the puzzle that is your self esteem. ​This is a positive cycle that can build on itself, creating a critical mass of positivity as you couple more successes with greater confidence and self esteem. This is the power of self esteem and success. Self esteem, along with the confidence that self esteem projects to others is one of the key hallmarks of success. And it builds on itself in a self regenerative method. All you need to do is clear our the stumbling blocks where your lack of self esteem hold you back. This is one of the ways that affirmations for self esteem come into play. By repeating these positive mantra-like statement every day you become to believe in the truth behind these affirmations to boost confidence, and when you really start ...

Why It’s Never Too Late to Change Your Life and Live Differently

  Every day we live our lives in constant motion, and with that motion, there will always be a flow or some kind of change that follows. Some changes we welcome wholeheartedly, while others we might find ourselves pushing aside to avoid them. Now, it’s time to ask ourselves the honest question – how often do we limit ourselves from opportunities, experiences, and even give up certain dreams because we’re digging up the most used excuses in the book? How often do we cross things off of our bucket list, not because we’ve completed them, but because we’re too fixated on how we’re not able to or capable of doing them? One time is one too many. Plans are meant to change, and so is life. And it’s never too late to change your life. Here are the steps to getting rid of the mindset roadblocks and how to achieve the life you’ve always wanted. It’s Never Too Late – Three Roadblocks Holding You Back 1. I’m Too Old to Start As the saying goes, “age is just a number,” and it’s actually jus...

Some Simple Ways to Keep Your Brain Young

  Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline is common, and it's one of the most feared consequences of aging. But cognitive impairment is not inevitable. Here are some simple ways you can help maintain brain function. 1. Get mental stimulation Through research with mice and humans, scientists have found that brainy activities stimulate new connections between nerve cells and may even help the brain generate new cells, developing neurological "plasticity" and building up a functional reserve that provides a hedge against future cell loss. Any mentally stimulating activity should help to build up your brain. Read, take courses, try "mental gymnastics," such as word puzzles or math problems Experiment with things that require manual dexterity as well as mental effort, such as drawing, painting, and other crafts. 2. Get physical exercise Research shows that using your muscles also helps your mind. Animals who exercise re...

Morning Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

  For most of us, getting up in the morning is an inconsistent, blurry mess—and it has the power to dictate how we feel and how we work for the rest of the day. Nobody’s perfect and we all have mornings that don’t go our way, but for successful entrepreneurs, the morning looks and plays out a little differently most of the time. Successful entrepreneurs became successful in part because they had a strong, consistent routine. But which habits helped them establish themselves, and how can you use these habits in your own life? The morning habits of successful entrepreneurs Everyone’s morning routine is unique, but these hallmarks of successful entrepreneurs’ morning routines can help you build a better one of your own: 1. Wake up early, at the same time as yesterday There are two important beneficial elements of this habit. First, you wake up earlier than you need. This gives you more time, which you can spend on other morning habits. It also prevents you from rushing around, allowin...

Become the Best Version of Yourself

  Everyone wants to become the best version of themselves, but few actually do it. We’re our own worst enemies when it comes to achieving success, chasing our dreams, and living a life that’s filled with passion and purpose. Some of us are self-destructive without realizing it, and others are conscious of the fact, but lack the tools and/or knowledge in order to improve. But no matter who you are, there are 6 main habits that continually get in people’s way of becoming a success. What Does “Be Your Best Self” Mean? You’ve finally decided to work on your best self, but what does that term actually mean? The definition of “best self” is subjective. Your version of your best self may not be the same as your family or close friends. Considering this, do not give in to the temptation of comparing yourself with others. Instead, remember your personal definition of your best self. Additionally, your “best self” does not need to be the same thing forever. Over time, your definition of you...

What Is Decision Fatigue And How To Combat It

  How often have you had the experience of needing to make tough decisions that pull you in different directions? You go round and round in circles, and, in the end, you either make a snap decision or put off reaching a decision indefinitely because you’re just too tired to think anymore. The stress and overwhelming emotions compel you to make a decision and yet, at the same time, make you unable to do so is labeled as decision fatigue. Poor decisions are made not because of incapability but because arriving at one or more choices takes its toll. It also happens to severely weaken our mental energy. What Is Decision Fatigue? To explain the concept of decision fatigue, let us look at an example: When determining a court ruling, many factors contribute to the final verdict. You probably assume that the judge’s decision is influenced solely by the nature of the crime committed or broken laws. While this is valid, an even greater influential factor dictates the judge’s decision: the ti...

How to Regain Your Self-Respect and Why It Matters

  Self-respect is knowing you are worthy and treating yourself accordingly. Respecting  yourself is the first step toward understanding you deserve love, consideration, and opportunities like everyone else. “Our level of self-respect acts almost like a blueprint to instruct others how to engage with us,” says Jaime Zuckerman, a licensed clinical psychologist in Philadelphia. “When we develop healthy reciprocal relationships, we find ourselves surrounded by those who respect us, support us, and treat us how we want to be treated.” What is self-respect? Self-respect is loving yourself and treating yourself with care. It’s the result of staying true to your values and not being willing to compromise. The more you engage in behaviors consistent with your beliefs and values, the more you’ll feel fulfilled and confident. This, in turn, will improve your sense of well-being, says Zuckerman. Respecting yourself also prevents you from comparing yourself and your life wit...