
Showing posts from November, 2022

Some Essential Skills You’ll Need for Career Success

  While technical skills and abilities are essential to career success, they are not the only things that matter. Personality traits and social skills are equally important factors. Though some aspects of our personalities are fixed, there are some social skills we can learn and improve over time. Mastering these skills can help us achieve career success in ways we never imagined. Some essential skills for career success 1. Self-regulation When you self-regulate, you can successfully manage your emotions. When there’s a challenging, taxing, or negative situation, you think through the situation and respond rationally instead of with a knee-jerk or emotional reaction. 2. Growth mindset When challenges and setbacks do happen, you greet them with open arms. Those with a growth mindset believe these situations are an opportunity to learn and grow. More importantly, those with a growth mindset believe in their ability to master the situation. 3. Resilience Failure happens to everyone. B...

5 Things to Remember When You Are Not Satisfied With Yourself

  Are you confident, pumped up and strong all the time? I guess you are not because life is not a linear thing. Life goes up and down and takes you through a multitude of emotions and unexpected events. As long as you are mostly on the UP side of life, “the down” side is only salt and pepper. How to get above “the down” moments when you are not satisfied with yourself? Remember the following 5 things and lift yourself UP: 1. You are not supposed to be satisfied all the time Embrace the moments when you feel your performance is not the best. Discover who you are and who you are not. Knowing these two things are allowing you to be the leader of your life no matter the moment you are going through, up or down. Remember that when you are not satisfied with yourself is only the way your body and unconscious mind are pushing you forward. They are signaling you to change the status quo; raising the awareness that you can do even more and creating a deep desire for something different, for...

Five Ways To Boost Your Professional Time Management Skills

  Mastery of time management skills enables a professional to accomplish their daily responsibilities quickly and effectively. If you’re a professional who finds spending time efficiently to be challenging, it can be helpful to know different techniques you can use to develop time management skills. Time management skills are a broad set of skills that help you manage the time you spend during the workday and ensure that it’s being spent as effectively as possible. How to improve time management skills Try some of these techniques to improve time management: 1. Start your tasks early If you have the opportunity, starting a task before you’re scheduled to begin working on it can help you overcome the initial preparatory stages of an assignment. This enables you to start developing your strategy preemptively, which can also help overcome procrastination. 2. Schedule your tasks and their deadlines Take time to compose a detailed schedule for each of your active tasks and set firm dea...

4 Things to Do When You Feel Burned Out And Tired of Life

  I get it, life can be tiring at times. It seems we live in a society that glorifies being busy and normalizes being overworked, overwhelmed, and burned out ! As a former social worker and psychotherapist, it’s very easy to get caught up in the mundane day-to-day operations of personal and professional duties or obligations. It is super easy to become overly exhausted by our daily duties. As an empath or helping professional, it’s also very easy to feel compassion fatigue which can also lead to burning out quicker. Burn-out whether at home or work is avoidable if you’re willing to prioritize some self-care, self-love, and self-maintenance. If you’re feeling tired of life, overworked, or overwhelmed here are 4 simple things you can do today! 1. Re-evaluate Your Calendar And Quit Comparing Being quoted as “booked, busy, and blessed” has become quite the trend. When I work with my healing coaching clients, it’s often difficult for them to recognize when they are overworking themselve...

Mind Power – The Power of Thoughts

  Mind power is one of the strongest and most useful powers you possess. This power, together with your imagination, can create success or failure, happiness or unhappiness, opportunities or obstacles. This depends on your mindset. Your thoughts are the main ingredient of this power , and when you add to them focus and emotions, thoughts become powerful and can affect your reality. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for almost everything that happens in your life. Not all thoughts are equal. Stray ones that you think once or twice cannot do much, but your predominant thoughts, the ones you repeat often, influence your behavior and attitude, affect your actions and reactions, and shape your reality. As your thoughts are, so is your life. Weak thoughts hardly have any effect, but powerful thoughts can create great changes. Mind power is composed of your attention, your mental images and your thoughts. Thoughts are energy. Though subtle and invisible, they c...

Five Simple Ways To Become More Productive at Work

  Being able to dedicate time to specific tasks, completing them and ending your workday with a quality output can be an overall measure of your productivity . Similarly, if you have no methods in place for organization, time management, tracking tasks or prioritizing, your efficiency and productivity can be affected. By making simple adjustments to your daily workflow one at a time, you can begin to see changes in your productivity. How to increase your work productivity Time management and organizational skills can commonly be correlated to overall work productivity. When you implement strategies that support your productivity, you may have a higher chance of developing and improving your product output. Time management is just one of the strategies you can use to increase your productivity. Also, you can apply organizational strategies such as prioritizing your tasks by order of importance and urgency. 1. Focus on one task at a time While you ultimately may be able to get things...

Learning to Sit Alone, in a Quiet Empty Room

Think about some of the problems of our daily lives, and how many of them would be eased if we could learn to sit alone , in a quiet empty room, with contentment. If you’re content to sit alone quietly, you don’t need to eat junk food, to shop on impulse, to buy the latest gadget, to be on social media to see what everyone else is talking about or doing, to compare yourself to others, to make more money to keep up with the Joneses, to achieve glory or power, to conquer other lands or wage war, to be rude or violent to others, to be selfish or greedy, to be constantly busy or productive. You are content, and need nothing else. It solves a lot of problems. Can you sit alone in an empty room? Can you enjoy the joy of quiet? Most of us have trouble sitting alone, quietly, doing nothing. We have the need to do something, to check our inboxes and social media, to be productive. Sitting still can be difficult if you haven’t cultivated the habit. I’ve been learning. In the morning, as my coffe...

Things to Do When You Feel Loneliness

  There may be many incidences when loneliness may take over, which would have been because of situations beyond your control. It’s possible that moving to a new place or going through a significant life transition like being divorced could contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness . The occurrence of any event that has the potential to adversely affect your social connections may cause you to experience these feelings. Conditions affecting one’s mental health can also be a contributing factor. Even though people may yearn for human connection, people who suffer from social anxiety may also have difficulty engaging in social interactions. You may feel lonely if your basic human need for social interaction isn’t being addressed. That is the difference between alone vs. lonely. It’s quite acceptable to enjoy some alone time from time to time. Tips on How to Deal With Loneliness Although loneliness and being alone might be used interchangeably, they aren’t the same. When you’...


  International Day of Tolerance on November 16 is a great opportunity for you to think back and recall the last time you had a different perspective than one of your friends? When’s the last time you’ve had to learn something about someone else’s culture? We’re betting it wasn’t that long ago. Look and learn the date that celebrates open-mindedness and listening. It was started by the UN General Assembly, with the goal of getting educational institutions and the general public to see tolerance as a staple of society. And it came after the United Nations declared a Year for Tolerance in 1995.  In 1995, UNESCO created the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance as a way to define and provide awareness of tolerance for any and all governing and participating bodies. That day in 1995 was November 16. Now, as an anniversary of that Declaration, we celebrate the International Day for Tolerance every November 16 to help spread tolerance and raise awareness of any intolerance that may...

How Travel Affects Mental Health

  When life and work start to feel like each day is repeating itself, you may start thinking about traveling . Maybe you have a place you like to go to once a year, or maybe you enjoy exploring new places. Getting out and traveling can have many benefits for both your mental and your physical health.  Doing this regularly can have great effects on your mental health. Benefits of Travel Traveling to new places is good for everyone. If you’re feeling stressed at work, a vacation can be the best solution. Traveling can improve your mental health by: Helping you feel calm.  Taking time from work to see new places releases the stress you’ve been holding onto. Relieving the tension and stress of your work life lets your mind relax and heal. Being under pressure at work not only stresses your mind and body, but also hurts your physical health.  Allowing for regular resets.  Making time for regular travel can have a better impact on your mental health. Going t...

5 Reasons Why Great Leaders Admit Their Mistakes

 As your organization’s leader, people expect you to have all the answers, right? If you don’t, you’ll let them down. Or maybe you believe that if you show any weakness they’ll lose respect for you, and you’ll lose authority. You might even fear losing your position if you do anything wrong. The problem is, of course, that we’re human. We make mistakes all the time (everyone does). But the best people – the best leaders – learn from them. Great leaders also admit when they’ve made mistakes. Contrary to a widespread belief among managers, bosses, and leaders of all stripes, admitting your mistakes strengthens your position in so many ways. 1. Admitting your mistakes is the fastest path to moving past them When you realize your mistake and immediately admit it, it allows everyone to focus on finding a solution, rather than focusing on the problem (and who’s to blame for it). By being upfront, you’re cutting the blame game short, and freeing up everyone’s time and energy to help troub...

Power and Benefits of Reading Books

  They say, there’s not much that a good book can’t fix. Once you pick up the habit of reading , you can never find yourself not gravitating towards books. As avid readers, our bookshelves are always flooded with books, and we are always hunting for excuses to curl up and dig into them. However, it is also common to feel that we dive into books and emerge out as a completely different personality. Books never fail to amaze and educate us. They teach us right from wrong and unlearn whatever we are wired to believe. Whatever I am today, a lot of the credit goes to the steady habit of reading. Let us have a glimpse at how books are our rescue when it comes to walking through life. 1. Perfect getaway from the harsh realities That goes without saying that, for readers, books are the perfect way to teleport ourselves into spaces never known before. Most of us try to run away from an inferno, it is easier when we slip into books instead. Living your dreams always comes at a cost. We find ...

Some Ways To Have More Gratitude Every Day

  It can be easy to get swept away in the fast lane and forget to stop and show your appreciation for what you do have. A life well lived is one of gratitude and thankfulness. To help you on your gratitude journey, here are some ways to have more  gratitude  in your daily life. 1. Don’t be picky: appreciate everything Gratitude doesn’t have to be saved for the “big” things in life. The habit of being grateful starts with appreciating every good thing in life and recognizing that there is nothing too small for you to be thankful for. Even if it is as simple as appreciating the clear weather or how quickly your mailman delivered your mail last Friday, don’t leave anything out when practicing your gratitude. 2. Find gratitude in your challenges Gratitude is not only about being thankful for positive experiences. In fact, sometimes thinking about negative or difficult situations can help to really...

True Happiness Lies Within You

The happiness that depends on external circumstances is very fragile. The moment the circumstance changes, our happiness also evaporates. The Kasturi deer runs hither and thither in the forest, in search of the wonderful musk scent, which originates from the sac in its own body. It does not realize that the source of the aroma is within itself. We tie our happiness to people, places, and things. We think when all of them become exactly the way we want, we will become happy. However, the happiness that depends on external circumstances is very fragile. The moment the circumstance changes, our happiness also evaporates. In June 2013, the devastating floods and consequent landslides in the state of Uttarakhand damaged several buildings and structures. Debris from the hills jammed the rivers and increased the deluge. A television crew was reporting live by interviewing many harried residents sharing their tales of woe. Suddenly the camera turned to a homeless old lady, but she was found bu...